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An Ode To The Unknowns

Amazing Grace how sweet the sound…

The tune to which John Newton penned those beautiful lyrics was by the unknown slaves who were probably groaning and weeping before God while shackled at the bottom of slave ships, having been forcefully uprooted from their motherland to an unknown land and living under conditions that were so inhumane that millions of them perished en-route with their lifeless bodies dumped overboard.

John Newton of course went on to become celebrated throughout the history of the Church while those slaves are, well, still unknown.

May God remember all those unknown slaves, each by name, upon which the super-powerful US economy was built.

And the unknown men and women in our vast continent, particularly my country South Africa, who were forced by circumstance to leave their families in search of jobs, finding themselves having to build roads, bridges, stadiums and all the infrastructure we benefit from in our day. This while they were earning less than a living wage to enrich the owners of capital.

The unknown domestic helpers and gardeners who wake up at 4am each morning, leaving their kids without anyone to look after them so they can go and look after other people’s kids while earning wages that barely cover just their transportation costs. This while their employers lead cozy and sheltered lifestyles, having spare money to eat at fancy restaurants and going on lavish holidays, while those unknown helpers can barely put food on the table for their children.

This system that turns mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters into unknowns is labelled civilization and progress… a system that many, even among my own circle of friends, are ready to defend with all their might!

I pray that God will be just to those unknowns and give them the highest honour in heaven, alongside the martyrs of the Gospel.

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