Vessels Of Glory
In Vessels of Glory, Vezi makes a formidable and persuasive case for following Christ in the 21 st Century. Vezi employs riveting personal anecdotes, experiences, metaphors and observable phenomena to translate what it means to follow Christ in our increasingly complex and divided ego-driven world. Ultimately, Vezi vividly demonstrates how followers of Christ have the mandate and can grow their effectiveness in manifesting the heart of God for humanity, especially in the face of evils confronting humankind, such as poverty, corruption, socio-economic injustices, racial, ethnic and gender hostilities as well as rampant human subjugation.
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I’m so blessed by this book- titled ‘Transforming Glory’ written by Mr Vezi Mncwango. Behold the Glory of God, wow, wow, wow we thank God for such wisdom and revelation!
Nombu Mbhele
Unlike any devotional book I’ve ever read…. it is a transforming glory indeed. I am being transformed.
Mbalenhle Mdletshe
It is so wonderful to feel the presence of The Holy Spirit as each sentence reveals truth and simplicity..so refreshing to read, ponder and meditate…Amen!