My post a few days ago seems to have had quite a few people concerned about the state of my faith.
I sincerely appreciate all the caring messages I received. It is always good to see there are genuinely caring people in my circle.
I want to assure all my friends that my faith is intact. Since I carry a deep pain and burden of God for the state of humankind, I never shy away from wrestling the realities confronting humanity. I do so mostly in private, but occasionally in the public space because I know I am not alone in this wrestling.
So here is the thing I intended to surface; there is a tension between the nature and character of God worshipped by the 21st century Christians and the one Jesus revealed.
Our 21st century Christian God is politically conservative, hates his enemies, craves political power, and wants to take over governments, sides with the rich and greedy, is eager to pronounce judgment on sinners.
The God Jesus came reveal had in his core team man and women from the full political spectrum, bitterly disappointed his followers by not avenging the brutal imperial rule over his people, taught instead that his followers should love and bless their enemies and spent much of his time with the poor, marginalized and sinners.
Even though he is omnipotent and omniscient, he did not stop the murderous spree of children by the fake king Herod forcing his son, Jesus, into exile in Africa; he did not stop the brutal beheading of Jesus’s cousin, John, or his that of his brother James. He did not stop the brutal persecution of the early Christian church thousands of whom were torturously murdered. He was decidedly anti-triumphalist, which is completely antithetical to our 21st century Church.
I have realized much of my understanding of God is a toxic brainwash of what 21st century Christianity has made him to be. That is what I am letting go of. I want to worship the God Jesus came to reveal.